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- 5 Steps Auto Posting Articles from Blogspot to Twitter
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blog and social media has become one of important tools for internet campaign. Integration between them will produce effective & efficient internet promotion.
Here 5 steps auto posting articles from Blogspot to Twitter, free:
1. Create new account at www.twitterfeed.com
2. Click on "Create New Feed"
3. Insert your Feed Name, RSS Feed URL and tick on Active part
- Feed Name: Lowongan Kerja Wow
- RSS Feed URL: http://lowongankerjawow.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
Default RSS Feed URL from blogger is: http://NAMA_BLOG.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default - To ensure all steps is working properly, click on "test rss feed"
4. Click on "Advanced Settings" for additional features
- Define update frequency, and how many articles will be posted for every check.
- It's advisable to choose "title only" on "Post Content" part, to ensure it's fit with 145 chars policy from twitter.
- Tick on "Post Link", so followers can read the article more detail by clicking the link.
5. Process done, click on "All Done"
- Ensure "Active Services" on twitter has been ticked.
- If not, press "Twitter" on "Available Services" to validate.
- Click on "All done" at the bottom.